Thursday, January 10, 2013


Sometimes I forget to step back and look at the progress that the Propranolol has made. I think back to how nervous we were to start the medicine and now I can't imagine what his hemangioma would look like if we didn't. Charlie was sick over Christmas so we stopped his medicine for a week or so. After a week we could really tell that the hemangioma was still "active." It was redder, warm to the touch, and a little puffier.

Doctors have told us that most hemangiomas stop growing after a year or so. (Charlie will be a year in a short 4 weeks!--CRAZY) so I would think that the growth is slowing down. Our plan right now is to let him grow out of the dosage he is taking right now and hope that the hemangioma will also start to fade on its own. Later, he will also have laser treatments to help with the redness.

As I was hanging Charlie's 9 month pictures today (yes I am behind) I dug out his 3 and 6 month pictures. AJ and I are beyond thrilled with the difference.

This is his 3 month picture. The hemangioma was raised, puffy, red/purple, and breaking open. This picture was taken in June right before we started the Propranolol.

At 6 months the hemangioma was flat and a lot less red. These pictures were taken in Aug.

I don't think I noticed how much it had faded between 6 months and 9 months. The difference is amazing. :)  These pictures were taken beginning of Dec. just 6 months after starting the meds.

Short story: I learned this past week that one of the students I had worked with used to have a hemangioma when she was little. The cool part--she is 10 now and I would have NEVER known. I have known this little girl for years and never would I have guessed she had a hemangioma around her eye and cheek even bigger than Charlie's when she was little. It was so nice to learn this and see this beautiful girl who has taken many of the same steps that we have with Charlie...and now it's gone. It was great seeing "proof" that they really do go away:)  The next best part--her mom is willing to meet and tell me all about it! I am so thankful for great doctors who know exactly what they are doing and for the wonderful support of family and friends. :) Thank you!

1 comment:

  1. Charles Andrew Weieneth is so lucky to have parents that love him sooooo much. What a heartwarming story about the little girl and what hope it gives. The doctors have said that the hemangioma would fade but to actually know someone that lived the process makes your sacrifices seem less. With or without Charlie is a happy contented little boy with a beautiful personality.
