Friday, June 29, 2012

Charlie and Jadon :)

I was so lucky and was able to experience being pregnant with my cousin Jenna. Baby Fisher was due 3 weeks before Baby Weieneth. It was fun sharing pregnancy stories and experiences with Jenna. We saw each other several times and were able to compare our baby bellies in person. Our families liked seeing who's belly was bigger and even made us compare them several times over Skype. :)

 Fortunately for me Charlie decided to come 2 weeks early. Unfortunately for Jenna, Jadon decided to come more than 2 weeks late! Yep...Charlie ended up 8 days older than Jadon. I would have NEVER guessed that. We pretty much traded due dates. But...none of that matters anymore. We have 2 happy and healthy little boys who we couldn't wait to get together!! And a few weeks ago they met for the 1st time :) Jenna, her husband Matt, and Jadon were back from California and we met them at my sister's house for a little get together. It was great to see them all and really fun to be around another baby that was Charlie's age.

 Look how long Baby Jadon is! Poor short Charlie---Daddy is REALLY hoping you get his height! :)
 "Who are you?" :)

 SO SO fun to get everyone together! We are just missing an aunt and a few more cousins and their babies!
 Doesn't Ava look like such a big girl?!?!!?

We loved meeting you Baby Jadon...can't wait to see you again!

Monday, June 25, 2012

We love Daddy!

Charlie is so lucky to have such a great daddy! :) 

 My two boys hanging out at my parent's house on Fathers' Day. Look closely and you can find Gabby in the mix as well :)

Charlie loves when Dad finally comes home from work :) 

Charlie showing off for dad....he's been practicing his tummy time.

Friday, June 22, 2012

New Toys!

I started to panic today...summer is going by WAY too quickly and I feel like I haven't even dug into my Summer To Do List! I can't believe it is almost July already. I really thought that getting out of school in May would make June feel much longer. Boy was I wrong!

Charlie and I have been having lots of fun though. He has started to grab more toys and seems much more interested in them now. Look what he has been up to....

 Getting ready to go swimming ...doesn't he look excited?!?! I love this picture!
He loved swimming. I took his bathtub out and a few bath toys. We set the pool up on the deck in the shade. It's been nice going out and getting some fresh air. He likes to kick his feet and look around.

He sure doesn't like getting that swim shirt on and off though. MAN those things are tight! I even bought it big knowing it would be tight...he hates that part. Charlie even got to go in a real pool the other day. We went to visit the boys that I used to babysit during the summer. They wanted to go out to the Country Club. Charlie slept most of the time we were there but he woke up just in time to take dip in the big pool before we left. They boys had fun getting lots of smiles out of him.  I think we have a future pool rat on our hands. :)

 Look what else we got! We first put him in this a few weeks ago...but he didn't seem too interested. I got him back in it a few days ago and he actually started grabbing for the toys. I think a few more weeks and he will really love it.

 Well maybe a few more inches would help too :)

And then there is Sophie. He got Sophie at a baby shower....and during the past few weeks Sophie has grown to be one of his favorite toys. He can hold on to her really well and she goes directly to his mouth. He is a happy little boy chewing on Sophie's ears or nose.....for about 3 minutes when he no longer can hold her up to his mouth. Then we have one mad little boy!

Can't wait to dig out more of the toys I have stashed away for him! I love that he is getting big enough to play with them :)

In other news, we took Charlie back to Kansas City yesterday for a check up on his hemangioma. They thought he looked great and were thrilled with his progress. The swelling and puffiness of the hemangioma has defiantly gone down. They increased his dosage of medicine. He still takes it 3 times a day. So we go back in about 3 weeks. Can't wait to see what they say then. I am hoping  he can go down to taking the meds twice a day before he starts day care. I am so glad we decided to go ahead and take the meds. I am even more happy that he is doing well on them. :) YEA!

Friday, June 15, 2012

Charlie's Hemangioma

Charlie was born with a hemangioma on his left cheek and on the very top of his head. Well actually we didn't notice it at birth. A hemangioma is an abnormal buildup of blood vessels on the skin. They are actually very common and we have been told they almost always go away on their own over time. However, it can take several years to fully go away. We were so thankful it was just a hemangioma and not something more serious...but it was something unexpected and took a bit of time to adjust. We are now very used to the stares we get from strangers or questions we get from friends, family, and acquaintances. In fact we hardly even notice it anymore. 

Charlie at 2 days old. If you look closely you can see the spots on his cheek...we never noticed them when he was born. 

 A few days later a red mark started to appear...I thought it was a rash at first. It wasn't until his 2 week appointment that the doctor told us it was a hemangioma.

 By one month old it was bright cherry red and growing quickly.

 At two months, it had changed a lot and had become pretty puffy.

I didn't notice a drastic change between month two and three. It did change to a much deeper red--almost purple.

Our plan was to let the hemangioma go away on its own. We knew it would take some time, but it didn't seem to be growing too quickly and we had high hopes that it would be gone within a few years. We were just glad he was a happy little boy.

 However at about three and a half months the hemangioma started to break down and ulcerate-- or break open. I had read that it can be painful and can also leave a lot of scaring over time. It would be on thing if the hemangioma was on his back or arm...but it's on his face. So I called his doctor who after seeing us again referred us to a dermatologist in town.

We got in quickly to see the dermatologist who sent us to Children's Mercy Hospital in Kansas City to a pediatric dermatologist. We were told that Charlie also had a hemangioma growing under the skin. You can see it in the picture below. It is big and swollen under the red spot. They were worried that it was getting to close to his eye and that the red marks were getting close to his mouth.

They proposed putting him on a blood pressure medicine called Propranolol. They told us it was a safe medicine as long as you kept a close eye on his blood pressure, heart rate, and blood sugars. In fact, they kind of scared us at first telling us all the things that could go wrong  if we didn't keep a good eye on things. Charlie had a MRI, and a few heart tests to determine if he was ok to take the meds.
After proving he was very healthy, we went ahead and started the medicine. He has done very well on it. He takes the medicine  3 times a day and he cannot go more than 8 hours without eating. Which means we are up in the middle of the night eating and giving him the meds. It has completely messed up his great sleeping schedule....but the meds are working! Check out the pictures below:) 

 The picture on the left was taken the day we started the propranolol. The picture on the right was taken 2 weeks after. The one on his cheek is so much flatter and much pinker. And the big swollen bump under the red spots is pretty much gone!! The one on the top of his head is flat and has white dots throughout it. I cannot believe how much progress we have made in just two weeks! They feel smooth against his skin. It is crazy!

 We have to keep going back to Kansas City for awhile to monitor his blood pressure, heart rate, and blood sugars. The medicine has messed up his sleep schedule a little bit...but it will all work out in the end. We are just thrilled to have a happy and healthy little boy. He sure is growing quickly. Can't wait to see what happened to his hemangioma in 2 months! 

We love you Charlie Boy :) 

Friday, June 8, 2012

Smiles, Giggles, and Visitors

Charlie is starting to really show some personality! He is so much fun to watch these days--seems like there is something new everyday. I am loving being home with him again. 

This past week has been crazy busy. I cannot believe that it's almost the middle of June already. Summer needs to SLOW down! Here are some pictures from this week's adventures. 

 He has been all smiles lately.
 He realized that he was holding the rattle the concentration :)
 His new favorite toy ...everything goes in his mouth these days

 Great-Grandma Verna came to visit
Grandpa Bob also came to play. Charlie loved his new book! Grandma came too but we forgot to get a picture with her :) Actually Charlie got to see Grandma and Grandpa Hughson this past weekend too :)

Baby giggles are my absolute favorite thing! AND Charlie started to giggle this week:) :)  Of course we missed all the really good ones on video...but we caught a few:) But.... I can't get them to upload...I'll keep trying!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Getting Started!

I think it's time for the Weieneth Household to jump on the bandwagon and start blogging. :) Now that school is out for the summer and I am home to spend lots of time with Charlie there will be lots to share with all of you!

 Charlie has been the greatest addition to our family and we can't wait to see what adventures life has in store for us. Here is what we have been up to lately. Enjoy and I sure hope to keep up the blogging this summer!

Here is what we  have been up to lately~'s on summer break :)
 Ava came to go to the Farmers' Market with us
 We went to Ava's 2nd Birthday Party
 Charlie turned 3 months old on May 12th
and...he's out:)